Residential- Integrated Electric L.L.C. is known for devoting time to understand what you as the client wants and needs. Then we design and install quality components that provide the desired environment. Integrated Electric’s pride in workmanship can be found throughout Central Oregon in remodels and new construction, in neighborhoods such as Tree Farm, Tethrow, Northwest Crossing, and Awbrey Butte, to name a few.
Industrial– Functionality and attention to detail can be seen in various tenant improvements, warehouses, greenhouses, stables, and shops around Bend.
Commercial- Lighting is essential to highlight and feature product. It can create an environment tailored to your specific need and business. Integrated Electric has completed projects such a dentists offices, Larch downtown, Riverside Spa, the Barna/Acosta building on Century Dr. , and TI projects in the Athletic club of Bend, to name a few.